Mack One Deutschland GmbH & Co KG
Roland-Mack-Ring 1
77977 Rust
Telefon: +49 (0)7822 77-18000
Registered with the County Court of Freiburg im Breisgau under HRA 702835
VAT number : DE815405727 Managing Directors: Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) Michael Mack
Complaints procedure via online dispute settlement for consumers (OS):
We are not prepared and not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before the consumer arbitration board.
Mack NeXT GmbH & Co KG (hereinafter “the Provider”), despite having checked the contents several times, do not assume any liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.
Any liability claims against the Provider, which are based on material or non-material damage, and which may have been caused by the usage or non-usage of the information provided or, respectively, by the usage of any incorrect or incomplete information, shall be categorically excluded, unless there is evidence of wilful or gross negligence on the part of the Provider.
The Provider expressly reserves the right to alter, amend or delete the content, either in whole or in part, without prior notice, or to suspend publication.
Where the Provider provides any direct or indirect references to external websites (“links”), the Provider shall only be liable if he is specifically aware of the content, and it is technically feasible and reasonable for him to prevent the use where a website contains illegal content.
The Provider hereby expressly declares that there was no evidence of illegal content on the linked pages at the time the links were created. The Provider has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design of the linked sites. The Provider, therefore, explicitly distances himself from any content-related alterations that were made after the links were created.
The Provider is not responsible for the content, availability, correctness or accuracy of the linked sites, nor for the offers, links or ads contained therein. The Provider shall not be liable for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content, nor, in particular, for any damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided on the linked sites.
The Provider shall endeavour to observe any copyrights applicable to any publications. Should a breach of copyright nevertheless occur, the Provider shall remove the item concerned from his publication after being informed of such breach, or include a reference to the respective copyright.
All brand names and trademarks that are named online and which may be protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the rights of ownership of the registered owners. The mere mention of brand names does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that these brand names are not protected by third party rights.
The Provider is the sole holder of the copyright for the Provider’s own content on this website. No graphics, sounds or texts may be reproduced in any other electronic or printed publications without the express permission of the Provider.
Legal validity
This disclaimer is to be considered an integral part of the website that includes the link to this page. Should parts of this text or individual formulations thereof fail to comply with, no longer comply with, or not comply in full with the currently applicable legal regulations, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document shall remain unaffected.